Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I feel pretty.... ohhh so pretty!

This just tickled me this morning, so I wanted to share! We were getting ready and this morning Olivia was particularly adamant that SHE was going to brush her hair this morning before I put it up. No big deal.

As you can see she has a big lump of hair, well I told her not to worry about it because we were going to put it up anyway and you wont be able to tell.

It was at this point that she pipes up and INSISTS that she must make it all "beautiful" for her friends at school. Then she continued to go on and on about how it has to be beautiful for her friends.

Kids say the darndest things, don't they?


  1. So where is the after pic? And yes, kids say the funniest things.

  2. I KNOW! When I was posting this pic this morning I thought to myself... MAN I really should have taken an after pic!
